What is an AMH Test?
An AMH test is one of the most accurate ways to assess a woman’s ovarian reserve. Anti-Mullerian is a hormone, known as AMH, produced in a woman’s ovaries from birth until menopause.
The AMH Test determines the levels of AMH in a woman’s blood. AMH levels can be measured at any point of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and the results are not affected by the contraceptive pill.
What do AMH Tests Results Mean?
The AMH test is accepted as a good indicator of the number of follicles or eggs present. Your AMH levels can provide insight into the remaining quantity of eggs, and number of fertile years you may have. While it can help determine if your fertility levels are declining, it does not assess the quality of your eggs.
Typically, a low AMH level indicates a low ovarian reserve, while high levels of AMH means there is a greater chance of eggs to create a pregnancy.
How Does AMH Affect Fertility?
It is normal that egg numbers decrease with age. Your AMH test is reported as both a definite number, but also as a reference range for your particular age. For example, we would expect the normal AMH level of a 41-year-old woman to be lower than the AMH level of a 31-year-old woman.
A low AMH level for your age is an indicator of diminished ovarian reserve (dor). This tells us there is a decline in the ovaries’ ability to produce eggs. Diminished ovarian reserve is one of the major causes of infertility among women.
On the opposite end of the scale, a very high AMH reading for your age could be an indication of Poly-Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS can also affect a woman’s fertility.
AMH Test Results and Next Steps
Focusing on age-specific AMH levels allows us to best assess a woman’s ovarian reserve and devise an appropriate treatment plan.
If you have a low AMH and have not been actively trying to fall pregnant, I would advise maximising your chances of falling pregnant with our “Naturally Fit for Fertility” package.
If undertaking assisted fertility, the AMH test is also used to estimate IVF pregnancy success and predict the dose of fertility drugs to use.
AMH Results and Fertility Preservation
In some circumstances, when a low AMH is suggestive of poor reserve and you are not ready to fall pregnant, or more children are wanted it would be appropriate to discuss fertility preservation such as freezing eggs or embryos for the future.