How does MonaLisa Touch work?
In a MonaLisa Touch treatment, a local numbing cream is applied to numb the probe of the laser hand-piece being inserted by your specially trained doctor. For some women with severe dryness, this can be slightly uncomfortable – but this will improve with each treatment.
A fractional laser works by splitting the laser beam into a series of very tiny beams or dots. The MonaLisa Touch hand piece enables these dots to be aimed directly at the inside wall of the vagina. The laser pulses for less than a tenth of second, during which the intensity of the laser is carefully varied by a computer to match the characteristics of the existing vaginal wall
The MonaLisa Touch procedure offers significant advantages over other treatment options as it addresses the issues that cause vaginal atrophy, rather than simply working on the symptoms. MonaLisa Touch is a very low-risk procedure that works by: